September 2023 Job Search Webinars on ABR JobConnect
Each month, ABR JobConnect™, powered by ABR Employment Services, offers free weekly webinars to address topics most important to your job search. A live question and answer session is held at the end so you can get unstuck by what may be holding you back in your job hunt.
Timing & Research are Critical in a Job Search
Date: Friday, September 22nd
Time: 11:00 am
Description: Your job search is all about timing and being most prepared. You should NOT be spending more than 15% of your time applying to job boards because there is where you have the most competition and lowest rate of return on your investment of time. During this session, we will address the following:
- The impact of timing on your job search
- Thorough research of a company and contacts is critical
The lines will be opened to address your questions, following the training presentation.
Why Should Someone Hire You?
Date: Tuesday, September 26th
Time: 10:00 am
Description: You must be able to effectively articulate the answer to that question to position yourself better than your competition, so you end up being the person who is hired. During this session, we will discuss the following:
- How to effectively answer this question
- How to differentiate from other job seekers
- Improve your thirty second pitch.
The lines will be opened to address your questions, following the training presentation.
ABR Employment Services is ready to support you in your job search. Search our Open Jobs or share your updated resume with our recruiting team today!