
Busted! Job Placement Agency Myths: The Real Truth

on April 17, 2017 in ABR Blog, Career and Job Search Tips


In addition to your own attempts at finding employment, you might consider consulting a job placement agency. You might have heard some information about staffing agencies—in spite of their ever-increasing popularity—that would rate a place in the job search filing system under “myths.” Like most job seekers, though, you do not have time for myths.

Busting Job Place Agency Myths and Replacing Them with Facts

We understand that you want to reach out to an employment agency you can fully trust. You are putting your best foot forward in your job search, and you deserve to find a professional staffing firm that does the same on your behalf.
Our service-oriented recruiting team tossed around some ideas and came up with the five most common job placement agency myths. We want to sift through these well-known job placement industry myths to help give you the confidence to reach out for the help that might just help you find your ideal job.

Myth 1: Job Search Candidates Need to Pay Recruitment Fees

Hiring managers reach out to employment staffing firms to help fill positions with the best possible job candidates. Employers find that they save on hiring costs when using recruiting agencies, thanks to their access to the best talent for the needed positions, which makes the fees well worth it.

Myth 2: Job Placement Agencies Only Recruit for Specialized Positions

In most areas of the country, there are often several types of recruiting agencies in a region that serve industries that include finance, banking, medical, industrial, and manufacturing. Further, there are usually at least a few employment agencies that have business connections to serve job candidates who are searching for light industrial, call center, administrative, and skilled industrial positions. Call a few different employment agencies in your area to make sure they can help you find a suitable position.

Myth 3: Employment Agencies Are Only Interested in Collecting Fees and Forget Employees Once Placed

While this myth may be true with some employment agencies, there are many staffing agencies that truly care about building long-lasting relationships with employers and job seekers. Most top recruiters with high ratings from clients and placed employees truly care about your happiness in your new job position. During your first phone call or meeting with an employment agency, make sure to ask whether they measure temporary and full-time employee satisfaction upon placement. If they do not offer this service, move on to the next staffing firm.

Myth 4: Recruiting Firms Only Find Job Positions for Temporary Job Seekers

The current model for most top job placement agencies features a blend of temporary, full-time, and direct-hire services. Discuss the type of position you ultimately want with your professional staffing expert. You might also let your staffing partner know if you are willing to take temporary assignments in your area of interest with the possibility of a job offer later. Much of your success in dispelling this myth will come from solid communication and cooperation with your staffing agency team.

Myth 5: Job Placement Agencies Are the Only Job Search Resource You Need

As invaluable as a top job placement agency’s services are in your job search, you should never limit your possibilities. While staffing experts do their best to find the right position for you, it is important that you continue doing your own independent search. Reach out to your own professional network, job boards, and industry associations, in addition to using the resources of a reliable staffing agency. Any agency that advises you to only rely on their services may not have your best interests in mind.

With the Myths Out of the Way, Reach Out to an Award-Winning Wisconsin Job Placement Agency

At ABR Employment Services, we believe in providing top-notch service for all of our employers and employees. Contact us today to learn more about our myth-free approach to providing you with our award-winning job placement services.